
Parents want the best for their children.  They want to boost their confidence, feelings of self-worth and give them the skills they need to be capable and fulfilled adults.  Part of doing that is to help children identify their talents, develop their skills and independence and to guide them along the right path.  All of this without wanting to be seen to ‘interfere’ or ‘push’ too much.

Talent AdvantEdge has the tools to help and Ignition! could be just what you’ve been looking for.  Indeed, you may want to have all members of the family take the test – it provides really great insights but will allow you to have fun discussions around the dinner table too!

The Practicalities

Your son or daughter’s profile coaching (you may choose to be present if you and your child prefer) will provide them with a comprehensive report outlining their individual strengths. It will:

  • Identify their natural talents, strengths and areas they excel.
  • Give them an awareness of the value they can bring to a group or team.
  • Offer a clear direction to help them make decisions as to their next steps.
  • Make them aware of the very specific and individual talents they would bring to a career path and future roles.
  • Help them deal with future interview questions on their own strengths and development areas.
  • Be of huge practical assistance as they prepare their first CV and covering letter.

We also ruun great workshops to help your people prepare for working life…you’ll find the details for these under our ‘Young People’ page.

Significant improvements will be seen in:

– Confidence and Self Worth
– Vision and clarity of direction
– Engagement and commitment levels

Reduction will be seen in:

– Poor behaviour
– Absence levels
– Stress

As parents is that not what we want for our young people and a great investment in their future?

Consultancy Fees

A family debriefing/coaching session $150 + gst in our offices or we can come to you for $250 + gst.

Are you the parent of a young person starting their first job?

Like most parents, you may be concerned that your child is being treated fairly and is getting paid the correct amount, but you may not know where to look. We understand that at the same time, young people starting their first jobs are concerned about not causing a fuss that might jeopardise their position.

We can help! This package is $99 inclusive of GST and gives you either a 30-minute Skype session with us where we help you with any specific situation you or your child may have or a 15-minute Skype session and some specific relevant information for your child’s situation. This may include locating the relevant award, pointing out its key information and guiding you if something appears to be awry. We can help you navigate how to approach the employer if you think that something is wrong without causing anxiety for your child.

And if you then decide you need more detailed advice and ongoing assistance, the $99 will be credited towards one of the other packages that we provide, making these extremely good value as well.

If you then decide you need more detailed advice and assistance, the $99 will be credited towards one of the other packages that we provide, making these extremely good value as well.